Diabetes is the fastest growing chronic condition in Australia, with over 280 new diagnosis’s being made daily. Diabetes is commonly classified as either Type 1 or Type 2. Type 1 is where the pancreas is unable to produce insulin/glucose, and is often diagnosed at a young age. Type 2 is where the body stops producing the required amount of insulin needed to function or becomes resistant to using insulin produced in the body. Type 2 Diabetes can develop as a result of a number of mid-life factors, such as genetics, central obesity or having a sedentary lifestyle. The presence of insulin in the body is important as it provides muscles and body cells with the required amount of energy to function. If left uncontrolled, Diabetes can eventuate to cause more serious complications, such as Heart Disease, elevated Blood Pressure, Hypotension post exercise, Foot Ulcers, Peripheral Neuropathy and eye injuries to name a few.

However, if you have been diagnosed with Diabetes there are now ways to manage it, particularly with exercise. Diabetes Australia recommends that those living with Diabetes accumulate at least 30 minutes of moderate intensity activity, on most, if not all days of the week (>150 minutes/week total). Moderate intensity exercise decribes exercise that increases your heart rate, but you are still able to hold a conversation. Exercise allows for a decrease in blood sugar levels and an increase in insulin uptake in the muscles. This can elentuate in remission of your diabetes diagnose if your blood sugar levels stabilise within normal limits for at least 6 months. 

To get started see a healthcare professional, to create an exercise program that suits your goals and needs. For those that enjoy more socail exercise maybe a group class is for you. People with type 2 diabetes can receive Medicare rebates for group services provided by eligible diabetes educators, exercise physiologists and dietitians, on referral from a GP.