
Whiplash is a mechanism of injury that commonly occurs in car accidents, and quick jolting forces, such as being tackled, or even being on a trampoline. This mechanism can bring on an array of symptoms, and often affects the neck and low back regions. If left undiagnosed/untreated, the whiplash mechanism of injury can lead to long-term pain/...

Muscle Recovery

Muscle recovery is defined as the time it takes for muscles to recover post-workout, whether it be from weight training, playing a sport, running or Pilates, every activity requires rest. It gives our muscle tissue time to heal! Muscle soreness occurs due to small, microscopic tears in the muscles which can cause minor inflammation. Nothing to...

When to Seek Osteopathic Treatment

Although some injuries are hard to prevent, one ideology that resonates with those who participate in Osteopathy is that often pain is the last symptom that presents and the first one to disappear. Therefore pain often originates as a result of dysfunction in the body, whether it's from a tight muscle, stiff joint or other underlying conditions...
