Plantar Fasciitis

What is it?

Plantar Fasciitis is one of the leading causes of heel and foot pain.  It usually manifests with sharp pain on the sole of the foot and/or the heel, particularly when weight bearing.  Your Plantar Fascia is a fibrous band that goes from your heel extending along the sole of the foot towards the toes.  Its role...

Back Pain & Exercise

Now that the winter months are upon us, many of us may feel increased joint stiffness and pain.  It is important not to lose motivation or use this as an excuse not to exercise and just keep moving!  Pain is complex and everypne will experience pain differently, even when they have similar injuries.  Lower back pain is one of the most common...

Avoiding Overuse Injuries

What is an overuse injury?

Overuse injuries refer to injuries that are the result of repetitive micro-trauma to the tendons, bones and joints.  Unlike acute injuries, such as hamstring strains, ankle sprains or fractures which result in instant pain, overuse injuries usually occur over time.  This can make them difficult...
