As the weather heats up many people move their exercise outdoors.  While exercising in the heat is generally safe for most people, taking a few extra precautions will help you stay cool and prevent problems associated with the heat.

Drink Up

When the weather heats up, make sure you drink enouhg fluids throughout the day to stay hydrated, and enjoy water-rich foods such as lettuce and watermelon.  Hydration before, during and after any form of exercise is essential to replace fluids lost through sweat.

Dress Appropriately

When exercising in the heat, what you wear matters.  Light-coloured, sweat-wicking clothing is best for hot weather.  Wear UV-blocking sunglasses and don't forget sunscreen and a hat.

Timing is Key

Avoid exercising in the middle of the day.  Keep an eye on the weather forecast and schedule your exercise ahead, so it's either early in the morning or later at night.

Listen to Your Body & Have More Rest Breaks

If you notice any symptoms of heat stress stop your workout.  It's not a good idea to "push yourself" in extreme heat.  If you feel bad, use common sense, get out of the heat and drink plenty of water.