1. Your knee is classified as a hinge joint meaning it can go forwards and backwards, but did you know it can also perform a small amount of rotation. This is an important aspect of the knee, that if worked on as part of a strength and conditioning program can help improve stability, pain, stiffness and range of motion.

2. The knee is the largest, and considered the most complex joint in the human body. It is made up of 4 main bones; tibia & fibula, femur, and the patella (which is a sesamoid bone), cartilage, ligaments internally (ACL/PCL) and externally (collaterals, and patellar ligaments)

3. Your kneecap (patella) is a separate bone that forms a joint independent of the knee joint. This is named the patellofemoral joint. Its purpose is to increase torque angles applied to the knee, in order to add more power for movement. Patellofemoral joint pain is very common, usually occurring at the front of the knee, and under the kneecap. This can be treated in a number of ways conservatively, with hands-on treatment, strength and conditioning, position/posture corrections during functional movements, load management and many others.

4. We are born without kneecaps! We have cartilage structures in place of where the kneecap sits and as we get older (usually between 2-5) the cartilage formation changes into bony tissue. 
When we walk our knee is subjected to between 2.5-4x of our body weight! As such the knees experience a lot of load bearing force, and weight loss (if relevant) is a super practical way to reduce knee pain. With 2.5-4x our body weight going through the knee on walking - even small changes in weight can make a big difference to our overall pain presentation. When looking at climbing down stairs - the knee is subjected to up to 6x body weight. Climbing down stairs is where a lot of people experience functional pain.

5. Reducing weight can be tough for people with knee pain, as often exercise is hindered due to pain. Get the right advice for diet and exercise from health practitioners to assist your goals.